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Pearls from the Bible 94

The teachings of Christ are very pleasant to read, but one has to submit humbly to fulfill them. Have we ever thought that we want to become big, powerful in the world? The disciples of Jesus had disputes over that. On hearing that, Jesus showed the contrast between the worldly way and the godly way of leadership. In this world, the one who has authority is the leader, but for God, the leader is someone who serves. In Luke 22 verse 27, Jesus asks: "For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? But I am among you as one who serves." Often, if we remember these words when we are in a position to serve somewhere even when we do not like, we can clearly see Jesus serving alongside us. Then we will know it is joyful to serve like the son of God. And when we understand this, we will not crave to receive respect or honor from people, young or old, rich or poor. We will care only about serving. Next time when your ego rises up saying, "He didn't respect me," or "She didn't respect me," curb it, put it in its place, and ask, when Jesus is someone who is with people who serve, who am I to raise myself to seek respect? Kill your struggling self and let your self serve along with the Christ in you .

Dear God, we pray for us to see your presence along with us whenever we serve. And when we are being served, let us know Christ is honoring them by being with them. Help us to curb our ego when it tries to create chaos by seeking to be respected or lifted in families, among friends, or even in public places. May we know and feel that you are close with us when we humble ourselves. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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