Someone wise once said, "It is better to give than to receive." We must have received numerous blessings from God that are blessing us every day. In turn, what is our gift for Him? Genesis 8:20 says, "Noah built an altar to the Lord; he took one of each kind of ritually clean animal and bird and burnt them as a whole sacrifice for God." We must have heard that we should burn our anger, ego, selfishness, etc., at the altar. Those are unclean. But here God is pleased with what Noah gave. Noah gave something that was clean. Do we have anything in our lives that we can give unto God that is "clean"? It may be your musical talent. It may be a room in your house. Have we dedicated anything in our lives for God and God alone? Let us learn from Noah to give to God a clean sacrifice. Yes, you heard it right. It is a sacrifice. It will not come easily, but with dedication alone. If you have not had anything like that so far, dedicate one now. Not for the world but for God alone. 2 Timothy verse 20 says, "If anyone makes himself clean from all those evil things (evil and foolish talks, arguments, Verse 16; passions of youth, Verse 22), he will be used for special purposes because he is dedicated and useful to His Master." May we take care to be a useful vessel for the Master.
Dear God, we love you, and we dedicate this (...) in our lives for your glory. May we be of good use for your work. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.