The birth of Jesus in the Bible is closely connected to the birth of another child, John the Baptist. Zachariah and Elizabeth were old and were living good lives before the eyes of God (Luke 1:6). When the angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah, he told him that God is blessing them with a special child who will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his very birth (Luke 1:15). By saying that, he said to Zachariah, 'God has heard your prayer.' It shows that the old couple were persistent in their prayers for a child, and God chose to answer it in a super special way. Verse 66 says the news about the birth of John, the supernatural naming ceremony of the child, spread across the hill country of Judea. They asked, 'What is this child going to be?' For it was plain that the Lord's power was upon him. We don't know if the people in Judea knew about Elizabeth and Zachariah when they were waiting for the answers to their prayers. But the news about them and their son spread when God remembered them. When God intervenes in your waiting and acts, it will be incomprehensible to our little brains. He is the most supreme and will never fail to answer our prayers when we serve Him truthfully. And make sure to go awestruck and not to get mute when you are nearing the miracle. May your mouth always be filled with the praises of God like Zachariah, like Elizabeth, and like Mary. Hey friend, are you waiting for someone to be saved by praying for the same for a long time? Are you waiting for another breakthrough for a very long time? May these Christmas incidents bring more hope to your waiting and your long-awaiting prayer. When He answers you, it will not be a general answer. It will spread to many faster than you think. It will be powerful. The Lord's power will be upon it.
Dear God, thank you for faithfully answering the prayers of Zachariah and Elizabeth. May your power rest over us and our generation like how it was then over John. Those who see us should plainly see that the Lord's power is with us. Thank you for all the answers that you are going to answer to us in a super special way. In Jesus' name, we thank. Amen.