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This page gives the analysis of Eng. Lit. NET questions .
Portion June 2014 , Paper II.
THE JUST MAN JUSTICES . WHAT KIND OF FOREGROUNDING( make (something) the most prominent or important feature)YOU FIND IN THESE LINES. Answers : a)Syntactic, b)Semantic
Definition of Syntax : Syntax states the rules to construct correct sentence. It sets the rules for words, phrases, clauses and punctuation.
Definition for Semantic : Semantics is nothing but the study of meaning . It is about studying the different layers and shades of meaning to a word.
Options other than the right answer:
*Collocation .
Definition of Collocation: It is the combination of words or phrases which can be used together to give meaning. Ex: Early riser.
Analysis: The sentence in the question has correct structure and it stands or gives a meaning through carefully arranged words. So the answers are Syntactic and semantic
02. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II according to the code
given :
List – I List – II
i. Iambic 1. An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
ii. Anapaestic 2. A stressed is followed by two unstressed
iii. Dactylic 3. An unstressed syllable is followed by a
stressed syllable
iv. Trochaic 4. A stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable
i ii iii iv
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 1 2 3
(D) 3 1 2 4 =answer
Iambic meter was widely used by William Shakespeare for example is the dialogue of Hamlet ("To be or not to be" that is the question). The words 'to', 'or' and 'to' are unstressed and 'be', 'not' and 'be' are stressed.
Anapaestic =unstressed -unstressed -stressed as in el-e-phant and as it is in Percy Bysshe shelly's poem "The Cloud"May have broken the woof of my tent's thin roof.
Dactylic = stressed- unstressed -unstressed, dactyle is a three syllable metrical pattern, example for the word poetry is an example for this pattern, Po-e-try.
Trochaic = stressed- unstressed, example for trochaic is gar-den. Thus, Trochaic has two syllable metrical pattern
03. The separation of styles in accordance with class appears more
consistently in _______ than in medieval works of literature and art.
(A) Ben Jonson
(B) Shakespeare
(C) Philip Sidney
(D) Edmund Spenser
ANSWER: Shakespeare
About Ben Jonson:(English Playwright)
*Benjamin Jonson was born in June 1572 and died in Aug 1637
*Popular satirical plays(comedy of humors)=Every man in his humor,
The Alchemist,
Volpone or the Fox,
Bartholomew fair,
*Other than William Shakespeare he was considered as an important dramatist .
* He wrote Epigrammatic Poetry.
* Wrote during James I reign.
About Philip Sidney: (English poet, courtier, scholar and soldier)
*Sir Philip Sidney was born in 30 November 1554 and passes away in 17 October 1586
*He was one of the important writers of the Elizabethan age.
*His works: Astrophel and Stella,
The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry)
The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.
About Edmund Spenser: (English Poet)
-Edmund Spenser was born in1552/1553 and lived till13 January 1599.
-Famous work: The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I.
-Long back he set the style for contemporary free verse or the nascent modern English verse.
04. “Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime.”
This statement is an example of
(A) Irony
(B) Paradox
(C) Hyperbole
(D) Euphemism
Answer: Irony
Irony: Speaking Indirectly. Speak one but mean different.
Paradox: Absurd or contradictory statement.
Hyperbole: Exagerrated statements.
Euphemism: A mild word or expression to substitute a harsh word.
Notes: This line is from a poem called "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marwell, life is short and so one need to seize the opportunity is the meaning, the poet is talking to his shy wife to overcome her shyness.
05. A Spenserian stanza has
(A) four iambic pentameters
(B) six iambic pentameters
(C) eight iambic pentameters
(D) ten iambic pentameters
Answer:eight iambic pentameters
-The Spenserian stanza is a verse form invented by Edmund Spenser especially for his epic poem "The Faerie Queen" (1590–96)
-Poetic structure: nine lines in each stanza
-Eight lines in iambic pentameter and a single 'alexandrine' line in iambic hexameter.
-ABABBCBCC is the rhyme scheme of the line.
06.Match the items in List – I with items in List – II according to the code given below :
List – I List – II
(Critic) (Theory)
i. Cleanth
Brooks 1. Ambiguity
ii. William
Empson 2. Paradox
iii. Mark
Schorer 3. Archetypal patterns in poetry
iv. Maud
Bodkin 4. Techniques as discovery
Codes :
i ii iii iv
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 2 3 4 1
i ii iii iv
(A) 2 1 4 3
Cleanth Brooks (October 16, 1906 – May 10, 1994)
- He was a New Historicism Theorist
- His contribution were in mid twentieth century
- He created revolution in teaching Poetry with his theory
- His thought : understanding Poetry through the centrality of ambiguity and paradox
- Famous work : The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry (1947) and Modern Poetry and the Tradition (1939)
- He helped in formulating Formalistic criticism which stressed on the interior life of a poem
William Empson (27 September 1906 – 15 April 1984)
- English critic, poet
- Practiced close reading of Literary works.( a basic method in New Historicism)
- Best Work= Seven Types of Ambiguity, published in 1930.
Mark Schorer (May 17, 1908 – August 11, 1977)
- American Critic, Writer ( He wrote many short stories)
- He was well known for his work, Sinclair Lewis: An American Life
Amy Maud Bodkin (1875 in Chelmsford, Essex – 1967 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire)
-English classical scholar, writer on mythology, and literary critic.
-Famous work=She is best known for her book Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: -Psychological Studies of Imagination ( she applied Carl Jung 's theory to literature in there )
07. “The artist may be present in his work like God in creation, invisible
and almighty, everywhere felt but nowhere seen.” Henry James is
talking here about the artist’s
(A) impersonality
(B) absence
(C) presence
(D) creativity
Answer: (A) impersonality
Henry James (American writer)
*15 April 1843 – 28 February 1916
* Wrote on Psychological Realism and literary Realism
*Famous work= A Portrait of a Lady,The Ambassadors, and The Wings of the Dove.
08. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II according to the code given
below :
List – I List – II
(Theorist) (Book)
i. Michel Foucault 1. Gender Trouble
ii. Judith Butler 2. Epistemology of the Closet
iii. Alan Sinfield 3. History of Sexuality
iv. Eve Kosofsky
Sedgwick 4. Cultural Politics- Queer Reading
combination according to the code :
Codes :
i ii iii iv
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 3 1 4 2
(C) 4 2 1 3
(D) 4 3 1 2
Answers :
(B) 3 1 4 2
Michel Foucalt
- French Historian, Philosopher
- Movement= Structuralist and Post structuralist
Judith Butler
- American Philosopher, Gender Theorist.
- Influence: Lacanian Psycoanalysis.
Alan Sinfield
- English Theorist
- Studied on Shakespeare, Gender Studies, Queer Theory and Sexuality.
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
-American academic scholar
-Gender studies, Queer Theory.
09. “The greatness of a poet”, Arnold says, “lies in his powerful and beautiful
application of ideas to life”. But a critic pointed out it was “not a happy
way of putting it, as if ideas were a lotion for the inflamed skin of
suffering humanity”. Who was this critic ?
(A) T.S. Eliot (B) F.R. Leavis
(C) David Lodge (D) Allen Tate
Answer: (A) T.S. Eliot
T.S. Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot)
-26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965
-Very important twentieth century poet, wrote modernist poetry
-Poet, Essayist, Publisher, Playwright, Literary critic and Editor
-Movement: New Criticism.
-Best known Poem=The Waste Land.(1922)
-Famous Play= Murder In the Cathedrel
-Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 for his contribution for the contemporary poetry.
Mathew Arnold
-English poet, cultural critic, sage writer( one who instructs the reader on social issues)
-He was a social critic, called himself a Liberal
-He wanted 'high truth' and 'high seriousness' in his poetry
-He coined the term "New Journalism"
-His famous criticism -1853 "Preface to the Poems".
F.R. Leavis
-English Litrary critic
-He married his student named Queenie Roth, and both started publishing many works.
Allen Tate
- American poet
- famous poem :Ode to the Confederate Dead
- Litrary Movement : New Criticism.
David Lodge
- English author, Litrary critic
- Worked as a professor and wrote satirical novel on the campus life.
-Campus Trilogy" – Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses.
10. Derrida’s American disciples were
(A) Geoffrey Hartman, Paul de Man, J. Hills Miller
(B) Gertrude Stein, Barbara Johnson, Michael Ryan
(C) Barbara Johnson, Michael Ryan, Mary Ellman
(D) Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattar
Answer: (A) Geoffrey Hartman, Paul de Man, J. Hills Miller
Geoffrey Hartman(born August 11, 1929, Germany—died March 14, . 2016, Connecticut, U.S).
- German born, American Litrary critic and theorist.
- Greatest writings are infinitely interpretable.
Paul de Man
- Very famous litrary critic in US, who was born in Belgian
- He introduced German and French philosophical approaches into Anglo- American literary studies and critical theory
J. Hills Miller
-American Litrary Critic and Scholar
-He worked and Improved Deconstuction theory.
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