What a joy it is to go to the house of the Lord every Sunday. Sometimes, I wish every day were a Sunday. We finished our service and extended our drive a little in the city. Whenever we travel in the city, we know we are going to stop more often than drive continuously because of the signals. So, as usual, when we were stopped by a red light, we thought, there you go, the interruption starts. But the red light at the stop was illuminating in the shape of a red heart. We couldn’t be angry anymore and smiled at the hearts that appeared continuously at the following signals for some time. We were curiously checking for hearts and wishing for more red hearts to be seen, even if it stopped us.
It made me think that whenever we stop anything for the love we have for someone, it is not tiresome work. The golden rule also says the same: Love God and love others. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." The second is this: "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Give yourself a stop (heart) signal whenever you are tempted to cross the line and say something hurtful to someone. Stop and say, I will stop for the love I have for God with all my heart. Whenever we dedicate ourselves to instilling a holy habit, like reading our Bible every day, give a stop signal to your tendency to postpone it. Try to bring a heart signal (love for God) before your eyes before you do anything. You will have zero accidents in your life, as the Chennai traffic police say. Be a zero to be a hero. Curb the tendency to shout, to argue, and stop with love.
Dear God,
Give us the grace to be graceful and be stopped by your love to act in love. May we have zero accidents where we hurt your heart this day and every day.
In Jesus' name, we ask for your grace. Amen.