Our God is a God who strengthens weak people and does great things through them. God chose a few people to win against a huge army. Weak, few, and not mighty are the words that describe these people whom God uses to bring glory to His name. When God chose men to war against the Midianites, He asked those who were afraid to leave. This caused 22,000 out of 32,000 to leave, leaving 10,000 who stayed. Then God chose people who knelt down and drank water from the river. Simply put, God selected the fearless, those who knelt down. These men went to war and broke the pots. A minister of God gave a beautiful explanation of all the above. He said when you stand in the Lord's army and fight against the enemy, be fearless. The pot represents our body. Don't be afraid to break your flesh and its desires. You should be a person who kneels down in prayer. Such people can win the war with God's help against a huge army.
After Gideon waged this war and won against the Midianites, we can see a strong transformation in his character. He stopped doubting and questioning God. He understood that with God, no enemy can stand against him. He said “Get up! The Lord has given the Midianite camp into your hands.” (Judges 7 verse 15). He started to besiege the enemies by controlling the water borders and killed their leaders. Then he went to two villages and was not afraid when they failed to offer help. He knew he needed no crowd or more followers when the Lord was on his side. He was unstoppable.
Hey friend, let's not be afraid to be used in the army of the Lord. Let's kneel down, be ready to break the flesh, and be on fire for God like Gideon. May we become dauntless warriors. May we know that God can save us from any number of people, from trained armies. Nothing can stand against Him or against us, His children. A Tamil song goes like this:
என் கையைக்கொண்டு தொடங்கினதெல்லாம் என் கையைக்கொண்டு நிறைவேற்றுவீர்.
May God finish what He started in us and through us; with His help, we will win over a huge army with His might.
Dear God,
Be our strength; You are our might. Help us to be unstoppable in living a life of fire for You. May the fire in us never be quenched. Help us to overcome our weaknesses. Thank you for being the Lord who chooses us and uses our hands to defeat a huge army. Thank you, Lord. Fill us with the spirit of prayer. May we be victorious.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.