It was another beautiful day in Coimbatore. We were about to attend a wedding the next day, but heavy rain was pouring down. We hoped it wouldn't rain at the garden where the wedding was scheduled. The wedding day arrived. The wedding service was wonderful at the church, and as we headed home, we planned to go to the garden for the reception. Rain started pouring in my neighborhood. As my husband started the car, we said a prayer for clear skies at the reception.
When we reached the reception, it was drizzling. We waited in a long queue and approached the stage. Perplexed, I asked my husband, "Pa, it's drizzling continuously, and we're not getting drenched. How is this possible especially when the weather prediction said it would rain heavily?" He replied, "This is called 'Grace.' The family faithfully loves God, and He is honoring their faithfulness by helping them when they need it the most."
The family was faithful to God when they went through the storm with illness, the man of the house testified twice of God's grace and goodness during the course of the wedding celebrations.
I took his message to heart. We went on to congratulate the dear couple and their loving parents. God honored their efforts, and we witnessed it firsthand. How gracious is our God! Our job is to remain faithful in trusting Him for everything, and He will show up without fail when we need Him the most. The reward will come supernaturally, beyond our understanding, a wonder to many.
Psalm 36:5:
"Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds." Like the above verse, God's faithfulness literally reached the clouds that day. How great is His mercy towards us.
Hey friend - it does not matter what you go through. Be of good courage and stay faithful. The Lord who called you by name is faithful. He will fight for you when you need Him the most. Just trust Him. He will fight your battles in His own way.
Dear God, thank you for your faithfulness towards us and always being there for us when we need you the most. We love you, Lord. In Jesus' name, we thank. Amen.