Whom do we consider a blessed in the world around us? We might think of people with better jobs, higher positions, more wealth, top-tier cars, or those who live in the main part of the city. Possessing any of those are not sin. But do we feel secure by having it. Our minds are so tuned and deceived to believe in the vanity and deception of the world as our strength and blessing.
In Luke 12, I stopped at a passage that we usually overlook. A man made a request to Jesus as follows in verse 13: "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus didn’t even want to deal with the issue. Instead, He wanted to set the man’s heart and soul right before God. His answer was so beautiful as He said, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."
We live in a world where we want to possess more land, more houses, more powerful positions wherever we go. But Jesus does not appreciate us pursuing the riches of the world. He calls such people "fools."A life well lived is not about how much we have acquired in our lifetime.
Verse 21 shows us the other way around: "Do not lay up treasure for yourself, but be rich toward God." Are you giving to God,are you seeking His presence more than all? Then God is interested in your motives. Are you concerned about your share? Then be ready to be called a fool by Jesus.
Jesus even gave an example of a rich man who had good land that yielded a large amount of crops. He was so happy and thought he had a secure future with plenty to eat. But God said, "All such is of no use, for he will die and leave it all behind on the same day."
Jesus is much more concerned about our souls than about us living in a land of plenty with no room for Him. True riches come from a life dedicated to God—obeying His Word, growing in faith, and producing spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Dear God, may our minds not be carried away with thoughts of land and riches. May we be found rich toward God. May we be truly blessed in our lives on this earth. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.