Many practical lessons can be learned from the letters in the New Testament. The letters hold strong advice against people who even attend fellowship meals but follow the ways of Cain, Sodom and Gomorrah, and, like Balaam, they show a selfish attitude. They speak terrible words against God, grumble, and blame others. They follow their own desires, boast about themselves, and flatter others to have their way. When you see these godless characters, be aware and separate yourself from them.
As Jude says in verse 20, pray in the Holy Spirit, build yourself in the faith, show mercy to others, and save others from eternal fires.He also warns us not even to touch sinful clothes. Finally, Jude praises God by saying that amidst all these challenges when you fight for your faith, in verse 24, he praises God as the one who is able to keep us from falling and keep us faultless and joyful in His presence. May we desire that faultless life.
Dear God, help us to be joyful, guard our words, keep us from falling, and may we be found faultless before you. We thank you for doing this for the sake of your matchless name. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
We are called to hate even the clothing stained by flesh