It is really good to feel secure in the Lord. In truth, whether we feel it or not, when we walk in God's ways, we are secure in the Lord. But, as humans, when we go through loss after loss or any separation from a loved one, we end up feeling that we are being forsaken.
The same was felt by King David in Psalm 22. We can see David crying desperately for help from God; he was surrounded by his enemies. In verse 8, he is talking about people who question him. Verse 8 says, "You relied on the Lord," they say, "why doesn't he save you? If the Lord likes you, why doesn't he help you?" Such questions have the power to make us feel insecure. These were not only the words of David but the prophecies about Jesus.
Jesus utters the same words when he is on the cross: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" is in Matthew 27:45. It is a helpless statement. But when we look at the life of Jesus, He went through suffering only to get glorified. Since he went through the momentary separation from God because of the burden of sins he carried for us. Now sin cannot seperate us from God. As we have saviour in Christ.
The path of suffering is real for all, but through it all, we have a God who can understand our fragile feelings, doubts, and insecurities and help us to get through it. Whenever life brings challenges, know that they too will pass. Night( which might look like an year or so) will go away, and joy will be back in the morning. There can never be hopelessness for anyone who believes in Jesus.
Go to His feet, my friend; He never ignores or abandons anyone who seeks Him. One thing we tend to do when we feel forsaken is to not go to God; our only hope is in Him. His presence can satisfy every need in our heart. Someone once beautifully said, "No separation is greater than His presence is able to bridge." The only answer for any insecurity is His Presence. Talk to Him; He will satisfy you.
Dear God, may we always remember that we have you by our side in every time of our lives. Though we feel it or not, you are present. Help us not to ignore sitting in your presence when we feel helpless. May you strengthen us and comfort us. In Jesus' name, we pray.