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Pearls from the Bible 8

Hannah allowed her rival to take control of her emotions for a long time and was weeping, refusing to eat while enduring all the humiliating words she hurled at her. Verses 9-10 say Hannah got up. She decided not to let everyone around her to drown her in misery. Instead, she went to the Lord and told her prayers, which God answered. After finishing the prayer, when Eli misunderstood and confronted her, she gave a bold answer. She said, "Don't think I am a worthless woman."in verse 16. Her words about herself changed when she immersed herself in God's presence. Maybe you are going through a time of shame and insults, which ends up making you think you are worthless. Now, get up and go to the Lord. His presence will let you know who you are: "You are priceless to Him." Let's cling to God, as He never ignores any of our tears and prayers. He answers beyond what we could think. He gave Hannah six children. Let God answer you beyond your prayers. Dear God, we are coming to your throne seeking your presence. Help us to raise up from where we are and heal our hearts. Thanks for answering beyond our prayers. In Jesus' name, we thank. Amen.


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