Are you a quiet person or a loud person? Are you someone who loves to work behind the scenes or in the limelight? People differ in this from one another. In Mark 14, Mary enters the room where Jesus was dining and starts to pour the very expensive oil over his head. Suddenly, all of them started to talk about it. Looking from the outside, it was as if she did it to get the limelight towards her. Her motive was to lift Jesus and worship Him with the best she got. But verse 4 says, some of the people became angry and said, "What was the use of wasting the perfume?" Verse 5 says, they criticized her harshly.
Hey friend, can we dare to do something like this? The people who were around her had no motive to lift Jesus, as is clearly visible when they said that she is wasting the costly thing. They acted as if they are too concerned about giving to the poor. Hey friend, if God is motivating you to give that which is expensive with you for His glory, go ahead and do it for Him. In Verse 8, Jesus said, "She did what she could." God honored her by inspiring this writer to record it in the Bible, and we are reading this after centuries. God never fails to record and honor the things you do to glorify Him. Let's lift Him high with what we have (expensive).
Dear God, may we worship you and give you glory with the expensive things that we have. May we never stop lifting your name. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.