"God does nothing except in response to believing prayer," says John Wesley. Here is a believing prayer of a man which God answered. Jabez was introduced in 1 Chronicles 4:9 as "the most respected member of the family." He had a painful past and a difficult beginning, but when he prayed, he believed God could write a hopeful chapter in his life. His life changed when he prayed to the Lord God. He asked God to bless him and be with him because without God's blessings, there would be no joy, only pain in what is so-called a blessing. He also asked for a significant amount of land, which is an earthly blessing that the heavenly God chose to grant. God gave him an expansion. Finally, he asked to be kept away from pain and evil. We know that pain is unavoidable in life, but Jabez's prayer was answered. God accepts such prayers. May God bless us with all the above in this new month as well. May He be pleased to stay close to us, expand us, and keep us away from pain and evil. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.