All of us like words like winning, success, overpowering, and overcoming. But the story of humanity starts with the fall, and surely it didn't end up in that way. Flip a few pages in the Bible; you can see the fall. The first family on earth, the family of Adam and Eve, have lots to teach. When they were shunned away from the Garden, in chapter 4 Eve says, 'By the Lord's help, I have acquired the son.' The Lord loved them so much that He didn't leave them alone to suffer on earth. In the midst of the suffering and pain, and even through the curse (the painful childbirth), the Lord was with them; He helped Eve. How unconditional His love was! Surely, Eve must have felt bad for hurting God, the one who can love her so much, regardless of her failing Him in every way. How great are His mercies towards us. Hey friend, are you away from God? Do you feel like you have been shunned away from His presence? The Lord can never shun you away. He will surely help you in your mess. He never fails as He is not mere human. Even in your falling state, run back to Him; never hesitate to look up in prayer. Even if your heart says you can never be forgiven, compel yourself to talk to God. God can turn your darkness into light. ('The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness.' Psalm 18:28)
This is never the end. Rise up!
Dear God, thank you for every word in the Bible. Thank you for helping us in our mess. Thank you for lighting our darkness. May nothing from darkness ever separate us from your love. May you cover us and keep us close to your heart. Strengthen us and help us, Lord. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen."