John the Baptist was appointed by God to be the prophet who paves the way for Christ. His father prophetically declared many things about his son from verse 67 to 79 in Luke Chapter 1. Zachariah clearly prophesied that the Lord would save his people from their sins, and John was to tell people the same in verse 76. The word and all the prophecies about his calling were growing inside him for a long time. He was growing in body and spirit and was in the desert until he came publicly to minister according to his calling. All of us may have prophecies about us, and we might think we are in a desert. It is necessary for a person to stay in the desert until the Lord uses him or her publicly before the eyes of all. The same happened to Lord Jesus. So, whenever you find yourself not doing much, remember that you are growing in your body and in spirit in the desert, soon to be revealed to walk in your calling. Romans 11:29 says, "For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable" (He never withdraws them once given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or sends His call). Stay strong, my friend; God is just strengthening you in your waiting. 1 Thessalonians 5:20 says, "Do not scoff at prophecies." The Bible we read every day is the confirmation that prophecies are told so that they will be fulfilled.
Dear friend, do not be discouraged; you will also see yourself living in your calling.
Dear God, thank you for all the prophecies you have told about us. May we never lose hope but cling to that, trusting that you fulfill all the prophecies about us. Thank you for helping us to walk in our calling. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.