He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does.
Ecclesiastes 3:11.

With our technology we have grown a lot and have come to the era where we can see things with many dimensions. For example the virtual reality technology makes you to walk through virtual places and will make you feel as if you are really there. But how muchever we try we are unable to know our future. At the same time as human beings we have the longing to know about it. But God has preplanned all and has set a timing for everything. In such a case all we need to do is try to know His heart and walk closely with Him by trusting Him. As Solomon says, in Ecclesiastes 3:14 "And one thing God does is to make us stand in awe of Him". Because at the end of the day. We will stand in awe at what he does in our lives. Yes, weeping ends and joy will come in the morning. He will never fail to surprise us.