Christ the King Church was designed and built in 1931 by Architect S. A. Gnana Pragasam Pillai at the behest of Rev. Fr. Francis Bertram S.J., founder Principal (1924-1935) and second Rector (1926-36) of Loyola College.
It was a very hot day, yet to be cooled by the rain that was waiting to pour down in Chennai. We were driving towards Loyola College, where my husband studied. They were celebrating their hundredth year. We entered to join the old boys and girls of Loyola in their alumni meet. We got a parking spot just before the entrance of the college chapel. My husband was so happy to park our car there. I told him, "God knows how to make you happy. He plans every small detail for you."We met his friend and his family and saw the places where he spent his time. When we were returning to where our car was parked, my husband was telling me how God led him and changed his life at Loyola. He shared how God shaped his character, personality, and life as a whole for the better from his college days. I told him to stop at the signboard before the chapel, which was under restoration. It read, "RESTORING THE PAST AND PROTECTING THE FUTURE." In its hundredth year, Loyola College was restoring and protecting the chapel inside the campus.
I marveled and thanked God for doing the same in our lives. God can restore what we have lost in the past and protect our future. He says, "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'" — Jeremiah 29:11.
Hey friend, look back at your life. If you have lost certain things or years know that God can restore anything, even in double-fold. Just like He did for Job. God blessed Job's later life even more than his earlier life (Job 42:12). Yes, God will start enjoying you again, making things go well for you just as He enjoyed doing it for your ancestors (Deuteronomy 30). Read the verses in Deuteronomy 30; it talks about how God restores earthly and spiritual blessings. Praise be to our God who builds our lives with care.
Dear God,
Thank you for your care. You are the God who designs our lives by giving attention to intricate details in every part of our lives. I marvel at your protecting hands and your restoring arms. We love you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, we thank you. Amen.