When we love Jesus so much, we will find one way or another to tell others about Him. I remember a pastor telling of an incident where he found many street-cleaning women in the city early in the morning, dutifully cleaning the streets. He simply asked one of them whether he could pray for her. Hearing that, tears started to roll down from the woman's eyes. She shared her burden about her own son with him and requested prayer. God's compassion filled him, and he prayed for her, bringing comfort and hope to her soul. After sharing this incident, he added,
"It is true that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Matthew 9: 37,38.
In the above verse, Jesus is not even asking the people to become harvesters. He is asking them to pray to God to raise them. We might not go to the streets and share about Him, but can we start by doing what Jesus did? May we ask the God of Heaven to send harvesters where there is plenty of work to do.
Who knows, we might become one, but first, let us pray for it.
Dear Father,
Thank You for our country, for our cities, and for our villages. We bless everyone in our country. Let us all be filled with the knowledge of God and come to know Him, just as the waters cover the sea, cover us. May we, as a country, know the hope in You for eternity and to overcome everyday struggles in this life. Send the harvesters for the plentiful harvest in our beloved country.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.