God knows how to approach people and where to meet them, to touch and change them. This can be clearly seen in the incident where Jesus met a Samaritan woman who had married and divorced many men in her past. It is commonly said that she went to the well at a time when she could not be seen by others. But Jesus wanted her to receive the transformation she longed for in her life, and He met her even when she tried not to be noticed. Jesus asked her the right questions. He knew she wanted to feel complete, she sought comfort in marriage after marriage, where only God could give her the peace, forgiveness, and redemption she needed.
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” in John 4:13
He met her, offered her the living water which will finally put a fullstop to her thirst and made an evangelist out of her. When she received the living water that is Jesus(the unconditional love of Jesus), she could not contain herself and went out to share the good news with others.
Jesus can see through us. He can see our deep needs. He knows our longings and fills us with His unconditional love, which will heal everything we have gone through in the past.
Hey friend, in life we see people around us who are trying to hide themselves from others for various reasons. Can we welcome them, converse with them, and give them the living water which will quench their thirst? Let us be ready to meet people in unexpected places, in unexpected conversations and offer Jesus to those with challenging pasts. May God use us and fill us with compassion to reach out to everyone we come across in this life of ours.
Dear God, thank you for your love. Thank you for reaching out to us when we were in an unthinkable pit. Help us lift others as You did. Fill us with Your unconditional love. May our eyes find people who are hiding themselves from the light and share the good news with them.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.