How differently our God looks at us. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, says Isaiah 64. Jesus highlights a man who emphasized his righteousness before God when he prayed.

We can never stay justified before God because of our actions. The Lord is loving and requires us to give Him our heart. He blessed the man who knew his need for Him to become righteous. The tax collector's prayer was not ignored by God. He never referred to the other and said, "I am greater than you because I do this and that." God knows the worth of all. We don't need to prove our worth to God.
Hey friend, may God give us wisdom not to judge anyone based on our understanding of them. God knows everything. We don't have to tell God about someone's past or present. And God doesn't consider us as just when we measure others. May He help us develop an attitude like His. May He help us understand our rags. And may we beg for God to bless us with His righteousness that comes through accepting Christ.
Dear God, thank you for your salvation. Thank you for the blood of Christ. Thank you for calling us your children. We love you, Dad, for your matchless love. Help us to not to judge and forgive those who judge us. In Jesus' name, we thank you. Amen.
Often times we are filled with this feeling, I am Holier than Thou.