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Carry life

Our God has an amazing plan for each and every woman. Women play a huge role in the story of salvation. I recently got a beautiful picture from one of my dear sisters, Eucha. The picture had two women, Eve and Mary (mother of Jesus). Eve was ashamed and holding the fruit which she shouldn't have had. She was comforted by Mary, the woman whom God used to bring the Savior (Jesus) to the fallen world.

What we carry inside us makes a huge difference. Some of us are carrying and are pregnant with sin, burdened and ashamed. This is how we give birth to sin. James 1:14-16 says, but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin, when it is fullgrown, bringeth forth death. Choose life my friend.

Some of us are carrying Jesus, the Savior. How hopeful are the women or anyone who carries Christ in them. As women, as fellow humans, we can choose to carry Jesus and share the joy of salvation with the Eves among us. Here is what God says to all of us. In psalms 113:9 he says, making her(us,the women) the joyous mother of children. The carriers of salvation, the carriers of hope to the fallen world. All of us deserve to be joyful. Hopelessness and despair are not for anyone. Salvation is a whole package; it definitely includes joy. May God help us to keep our joy and help the Eves and Adams around us to receive the joy of salvation.

Ask yourself this question: What are you pregnant with? Sin or Jesus?

Dear God, help us to be filled with the joy of your salvation. May we spread hope to people around us. Give us grace to live with faith, love, holiness, and prayer (1 Timothy 2:15). In Jesus' name, we pray.


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