"The only person who knows us fully is God. I wouldn't even say that we have a better understanding of ourselves. God knows our past, present, and future. When God revealed His plan to David for Solomon, son of David, David couldn't control his gratitude towards God. In 1 Chronicles, chapter 17, verse 18, David says, 'You know me well and yet you honor me, your servant.' Upon hearing the blessings God had in store for his descendants, David humbled himself. He found himself unworthy to receive anything from the Lord God. He went to the Lord's presence, sat down, and prayed. David was the king when he did this. No wealth, power, or victory gave him more satisfaction than the Lord's presence. Can we take a moment to think: are we separated from God just because of the small earthly job that we do? Do not lose your appointment with the King of Kings because of the job we do on earth. Are we thankful for everything God has done so far in our lives, even if we are waiting for a miracle, for divine intervention in some parts of our lives? May we develop the attitude of David, continually returning to the Lord and offering our thanksgiving. Only after he thanked God did he pray for the fulfillment of His promise to his descendants. He gathered his courage and prayed for them. Are we humbling ourselves like David to receive what God has in store for us and our descendants? Because we worship the same God who favored David. Dear God, we come to your presence seeking not just blessings but satisfaction in your presence. May we find joy there and, like David, thank you for every favor you have shown to our family and descendants. In Jesus' name, we thank you. Amen."